>>6025825>>6021971>>6021992>>6022003>>6022006My pleasure, Greenwood QM, I am glad you enjoyed it! And very impressed you completed it so quickly hehe, you had a very good / optimal build (I did druid and then mixed in some fighter, mainly because I never really play the druid class, and I was looking to find modules specifically for underused classes etc. I realise now Druid is not that great lol) Also it seems like you chose the same ending as me, hehe. I got pretty depressed in the final pitch black constant draining damage slowed walking nightmare shadow swamp level, where you are nonstop harassed by those wraiths, thank god for that youtube person who kindly uploaded the location of the door trigger plate lol. Incidentally the first time I activated the pressure plate door, I accidentally tapped again and closed it (thereby necessitating a long trek back to the Northeast switch) I was so infuriated but as a hardcore gamer I persevered and redid that section lol
It is true that most of these NwN modules have pretty standard / predictable conventional dnd stories. I mentioned I completed all of the Aielund saga (that enormous module has the most stereotypical lvl 1 adventurer to cosmic world wanderer god apotheosis narrative etc) But I still respect these creations, they are usually the work of just one obsessively dedicated creator, even seeing a generic fantasy story to its conclusion is a monumental achievement
If you want another dark fantasy module, I can recommend this one
https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/vampire-%E2%80%93-heaven-defiedSo a few caveats: this is a showcase / short semi-incomplete module, it has an ending but it is sort of rushed. However, the atmosphere of this module is INCREDIBLE. It feels like an actual vampire game, with a fair amount of lore etc. The lightning and dark city night effects are amazing, and there is one section in an underground crypt that actually scared me lol for a two decade old isometric crpg. If I recall, there can be some minor glitches (I think you must have pickpocketing?? Follow the author readme instructions and you may need one of those NwN autoleveller mods to start your character at a certain level or something. Or just use console commands if you get glitched)
Pic related is my last save from Defense Of Fort Tremagne before I began nonstop playing Arena Breakout lol. I just really like making GREATSWORD WIZARDs, secretly I want Elric Of Melnibone hehe