>>5465790>1Among the crowd, a few Drow retch, or jeer, or cry out in disgust and anger…
>19But many, MANY more whisper in what you quickly begin to understand as awe. The naysayers are quickly drowned out by cheers and shouts of praise for the Dark Gods. At first, most come from the proud parents, and from those other converts who long for such blessings to be bestowed upon their own families. However, this mood spreads out, ripples through even the more socially-advantaged dark elves. The young ones display their improved physical prowess in feats of strength, agility, in sparring matches and—yes—in dance.
A few turn away in incredulous fury and shove their way out of the audience… But far more push for the privilege to see your supplicants’ sparkling-skinned spawn up close, and even to touch them and examine them in wonder.
As the revelatory event draws more and more Drow in, you begin to preach the wonders of the Lady of the Rookery who brought this gift, and relate to an expanded, more upwardly-mobile throng than ever has attended your sermons before of the great feats which the Serpent Ascendant has inspired you to perform. You tell these soldiers, merchants, noble-employed mages, and skilled craftspeople the hidden secrets of the Master of the Insightful Eye, and the peace and soul-security which comes with the proper rites which you render to Death Incarnate.
In the wake of the event, even some members of the lower nobility seem eager to request your presence and hear what you have to say about the future of their race… As followers of your gods, members of your alliance.
Buoyed by this success, you decide it is time to pay a long-overdue visit to the last of the three Princes-Ascendant: Minothel, of Tlintear.