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The masked men- inspectors, you ought to call them- help you to your feet. A muddy coagulating sweat sheens your forehead, but you steady yourself with the help of the two. Sloshy clanking follows each footstep of the two inspectors as they wander off, motioning for you to follow them. The white hot sweaty air smells of vinegar and burnt plastic. It seems they’re heading for the barn. You’d prefer the smell of barn animals to whatever smog fills the air right now.
The sweat staining the back of your shirt is finally running cold. This old ramshackle building was built, like all things, long before you can remember. You know it’s the job of your coworkers to keep the barn up to standard to keep the cows happy, but as of late it’s been an unofficial policy to let them wander around outside in little pens. Something about it being good for their morale. You’ve heard Dedan has a fondness for the bovine creatures (at least from other folk who work around Pentel), and as such has permitted this minor rule breaking. Usually, he’s strict as can be. That’s the cost of keeping this show running, you suppose.
Dreary little beams of light pour in from the cubical windows on the side of the barn. You see another elsen, weary and huddling, nursing a cup of water. Across the barn is a few overgrown bovine. The sound of clicking boots and thumping is a little ways off into the barn. Where do you wish to go?
>Walk up to the elsen.
>Investigate further into the barn.
>Check on the cows.