>>5259919Past the empty libraries is a narrow canyon, leading to a circular chamber with a waterfall at the far end. The canyon is heavily littered with rubble, but clear of small creatures. The canyon leads to a large chamber, roughly half the size of the museum. The walls are covered with glyphs, and the floor is littered with scattered humanoid bones.
Back in town, the African Americans use enhanced drugs to travel to the spirit realm. They hope to develop psychic faculties such as telepathy. In the spirit realm, they find themselves in a barren area, in front of a pond of green acid, which moves slowly. They travel further through an endless expanse of salt flats, and get lost. They forget why they had travelled here, enthralled by the beauty of a landscape which holds the beauty of Africa, their forgotten native land. When the effect of the drugs dissipate, they wake up back in the Great Library.
In the southwest regions, the pimps Doumbek Ray and Lamarcus Russell attempt to strike a deal with the death knights who hold them imprisoned. With the irresistible promise of free pussy, and their confusing, fast-paced flow of words, they manage to strike a deal with the guards, and get released. They are now in the Tribunal, separated from the rest of their people by the Rift River.
>Population: 5 African Americans [breeder], 10 African Americans [insectoid]>>5258562The Dark Lord feeds from the souls of the deceased, delighting from the succulent agony and fear. He torments them, absorbs what he can of of magic, but they hold too little ren for them to be useful. To regain his former splendor, this will not be sufficient.
Unfazed, he works on his next project, which is the creation of blood golems. He shapes the blood into vaguely humanoid creatures, with deadly teeth and claws of rusted clotted blood. The blood golems are entirely loyal to their master and can regenerate indefinitely for as long as they are in the blood swamp.
Then, the Dark Lord works on his most ambitions project yet: the undead fortress. The zombies and golems work together, lifting boulders, slowly, over several months. The walls are painted black, and the gates are painted a curde mural of the Dark Lord's face. A wooden tower rises high, which is Thadmancer's residence, from which he can watch the entirety of his dominion.
>+1 Scepter of Fell Dominion>+171 blood golems>+fortress>Population: 714 zombies [insectoid], 84 zombies [humanoid]