>>5678438>RichesOf course, you went for the one thing that matters here. "I want money. Not just a lot, I want R I C H E S. Enough to last a lifetime, maybe even two. Can you do it?"
Nemo replied confidently. "Of course! If we finish our mission, we'll be able to provide you with the riches you want."
You grab his outstretched hand. "Deal! Now, could you get these shackles off me?"
"Well, if you please, lawman." With a nod from Nemo, the lawman goes over and unlocks the stockade-like shackles. Your hand never felt this free since, well, last night.
"You know, I never really got why you chose me. You know I have no powers or magic, don't you?"
Nemo smiles. "Oh, I know. But I can see something in you that makes this mission possible." He then motions to the door out of the cell.
"Speaking of which - I did tell you that you'll be working in a team, right? Well, I'd like you to choose yours. Two more people should be enough. But, if you don't want to choose, I have my own list of candidates as well. So, got anybody in mind?"