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You are now <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Kerjak Falathane</span></span>.
You are a Mainlander Jaxtian, and a State Philosopher. You're high enough in the ladder to not only learn and teach high level political concepts, barred from normal citizenry, but you're even considered when it comes to matter of state. Though you feel that your consideration is being less valued then it should be, especially considering who is currently running the Hegemony at the moment...
You live on one of the many hundreds of floating cities- a four <span class="mu-i">leaf</span> flower ocean habitat platform of the planet Jaxt, your species homeworld. While most Jaxtians prefer to live on land, especially in a forest or around trees as your natural habitat, you like the sea. The smell of the ocean spray, the cleanness of the air, and the rocking gentle motion almost totally eliminated by the platforms advanced gravity and shock absorption. Of course, even if you did live on the land among the trees, you wouldn't feel like you were in your natural place.
You aren't actually a <span class="mu-i">pure</span> Jaxtian. You, and your entire species, have been infused with alien DNA- the migrators suspension gene. Soon, a new genome belonging to the Vetuck will also enter the population as well on mass- not just young alphas. There probably isn't a single pure Jaxtian left. You don't even hate the migrators; but it comes down a simple principle- if Jaxtians keep infusing themselves with alien DNA, then there are no more Jaxtians, but just hybrids, inbetweens. The aliens remain purely alien, the Jaxtians not. What does it even mean to be a Jaxtian? The same applies to your entire society.
In recent times, the spread of a new political ideology of your species Supremacy has taken hold. In many ways, you are at the forefront of this spread. This belief, stemming from a political book known as the <span class="mu-i">The Supremacy of the Jaxtian Species</span>, is that your genetic and racial Hegemony is what allowed your government and people's success. Every day, every year, this is threatened and challenged. Soon we will be on equal terms with a Hazaar majority star cluster- the Hazaar Vassal state. Within our own borders, and our own culture. When is enough <span class="mu-i">enough</span>?