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"So? Ready to admit your inferiority yet you third class chef?"
Gu scowled.
"In your dreams. I'm just morbidly curious to see what crimes against cuisine you commit here on a daily basis. Just look at this! Who keeps poison dart frogs in their kitchen?"
"Ever heard of a puffer fish? Then shut up."
"If you didn't notice, people only eat the non-poisonous parts of that fish you psycho. Despite your undeniably superb technique you keep desecrating every dish with things that are not meant to be consumed. That is the Number One rule in cooking! You don't put anything on a plate that's not meant to be eaten!"
"Experimentation is the essence of cooking you tool. Civilization is built on spice. People looking for new flavors is what pushed society. I am a pioneer. If we listened to crooks like you we'd still be eating raw berries, roots and unsalted, uncooked meat. You savage."
Sanji reaches for one of the pots above but Gu stops him.
"If you so much as scratch my tools I'll serve your liver for dinner!"
"Tch. Drama queen. I'll just quickly show you how you can further the development of cuisine without eating feces."
After washing the wok thoroughly to remove all trace elements of poison Sanji quickly whipped up some stir fried rice and presented it to Omukade.
"There. Nutritious, full of flavor and reinvigorates the body. All without committing crimes against nature. Try it."
After a sigh Gu took a spoonful of rice in his mouth and began chewing. His eyes shot up and he almost choked to death in his surprise. Once he was no longer dying he begrudgingly accepted that the dish was indeed amazing.
"I-Incredible. That is... almost as good as mine."
Sanji let out a smug smile.
"Come on, you know it's a thousand times better than that toxic sludge you call food."
"Fine, fine. It is indeed excellent."
Gu took another spoonful and looked at Sanji.
"Who taught you this?"
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"This flavor profile. It does not match your style. Not as obnoxious. It's rather... queer actually."