Quoted By:
>You frenzy. Your Rage is currently 0/10.
You aren't about to give up. You refuse to surrender even if you've run out of options, and you still have one last trick left up your sleeve. You let your humanity slip away and allow your anger to take the wheel. The rage infuses every fibre of your being, knitting your wounds back together and causing that shattered limb of yours to snap back into place. The only sound that leaves your maw is an inhuman scream of hatred as you take a swipe as the wolf-man's face with your once-broken arm. The impact is enough to send Sees-Forest-For-Trees toppling off of you and violently dislocate its jaw.
You scramble upright, only to witness the Garou's jaw pop back into place of its own accord with a sickening crunch. All of the gashes and gouges you carved in its hide seem to seal shut before your very eyes. With a horrid and unearthly wail, the monster throws itself at you, all fangs and fury.
You don't remember much after that. It's a blur of teeth, blood, fur and anger. You've never felt so much loathing in all of your life. It leaves no room for thought. The rage doesn't even allow you to use your own senses until it finally ebbs away and allows you back into your own brain.
When you wake up, you're back to your old naked human self and covered in blood. This time, plenty of it is yours. You don't have any wounds though, with the exception of a nasty scar on your forearm where Sees-Forest-For-Trees sank his teeth into it and fractured the bone. You can feel it throbbing painfully beneath your skin - you're not sure if it healed properly.
You look around. You're still by the stream. A couple of trees have toppled over and where there was once a grassy bank by the water, there is now just a mire of blood and mud. You manage to push yourself to your feet with a lot of effort. Every fibre of your being aches with pain and exhaustion, but from the look of Sees-Forest-For-Trees, it's not doing any better. It has reverted to the form of the wolf and lies next to a fallen tree, panting for breath. Its lower jaw doesn't seem to line up properly with its snout any more - you aren't the only one who was left with a battle scar.
Neither of you are in any condition to continue the fight so after everything that happened, it looks like it's a tie.
>You gain 1 Will. Your Will is currently 1/10.
>You're going back to Eastchurch. Take your leave as soon as you've cleaned yourself again, maybe sling a few insults at the wolf for good measure.
>You will accompany Sees-Forest-For-Trees to meet its pack. Hopefully it will be a little more respectful in the future, after that show of force.
>You better stay innawoods for a while. Going back to town isn't such a good idea but you're not about to join a crazy wolf cult either.