>>5796736>>5796753>>5796821The nobility, also called the second estate. From the ruling class of Greifswald outside of the ecclesiastical holdings of the church and the cities, who have their own systems of governance. The nobility in Greifswald is powerful, it yet still retains numerous rights and privileges that make them like little kings in their own rights.
Although your reforms in Grünwald have been effective in quelling the local minor lords there these men are of another calibre, they usually have vassals of their own, their own levies and they guard these things with watchful and jealous eyes. Thankfully, your authority is strong enough to keep them from waging private wars within your realm, which would be bad for the economy.
One must walk on eggs where they are concerned for they do not react well to having their privileges taken away. If you aren’t careful they will probably rebel if dissatisfied enough.
There are several things you could do to weaken them, some of them would be quick and fast in the effect. Others would take time, and would have to be played like an intricate game of chess. Long, pondering and with the greatest of care.
The smallest and most long term plan would be to merge your individual titles (Grünwald,Lentenau etc.) into a new legal entity that would be under your direct control. This entity would consist of the land and territories of the former fiefdoms and would effectively deprive the titles of their territorial content. This would in turn create a legal precedent that a noble title does not per say come with land and wealth.
There are of course more radical options, ones that would most certainly antagonise the nobles.
The most blatant of these is to use old legal disputes and court cases to begin redrawing the boundaries of the fiefs and as such adding it to yours.
Other options include changing laws so that if say, a noble house dies out. Their land would simply revert to you, instead of you being obligated to find their legal successor. Other things are looking into depriving them of some of their privileges and rights thereby weakening their legal status
What plan do you give your approval for?
>The plan to merge my personal estates into new core of the realm(No changes)>The land seizure plan (Nobility influence:-20%, Nobility loyalty:-25%)>The law changing (Nobility influence-5%:, Nobility loyalty:-5%)>The deprivation of their rights (Nobility influence:-15%, Nobility loyalty:-18%)