>>6158649>>6158660>>6158699>>6158835>>6158845“Barricade the door!” Impa shouts, closing the charred door and hauling a nearby barrel in front of it. Not soon after there is a pounding at the door and a voice calls a out to open it. After a response of “No” from Sotrea as she slides a crate into place, the pounding turns to battering as the enemy tries to break in. More stuff is piled in front of the door and the tell tale *thunk* of axes on wood is heard from beyond the pile. Although, this sound becomes muffled as Shamel, Impa, and Sotrea tip an entire shelf full of boxes onto their already substantial barricade.
Resting her back against barricade, Sotrea pauses for breath. “That should hold them for a while.” Just as she finishes speaking there is an ominous boom from underneath the pile and the whole barricade shudders. There are several more booms and the sound of splintering wood. “Me and my big mouth.” Sotrea curses, moving to stack more stuff on the barricade.
“Femi, how much longer?” Impa calls to the seer.
“I don’t know Mistress? This barrier I can’t force it, it’s not an enclosed spell. It’s being powered externally.”
“So, find what’s powering it and destroy it.”
“But it could be anything and anywhere Mistress. It could even be out there.” Femi says pointing at the door. “I have no idea wh-”
“Hey, is this it?” Shamel says shifting aside a box to reveal a glowing, symbol covered staff of wood. Not waiting for a response Shamel takes the staff and snaps it over his knee. The barrier shimmers and becomes slightly more opaque, but remains in place.
“Yes!” Femi shouts excitedly, “There must be more, find and destroy them and then we- Mistress behind you!”
Impa spins in time to see black drops falling on the ground behind her, building up, and taking the shape of a Shadow Beast.
“I thought these things couldn’t teleport in here?” Shamel says dropping a barrel and unsheathing his sword.
“Apparently not.” Sotrea says throwing more stuff onto the barricade as the booms from under the pile grow louder and more frequent.
<span class="mu-s">Division of Manpower</span>
Three Tasks: Shore up Barricade, Fend off Shadow Beasts, Find and Destroy Barrier Power Sources.
Select one task for each of your crew (Naza will be automatically assigned to finding power sources as he is too weak to do anything else.)
Who does what?