>>5629390“Dammit Kakarot! Let yourself getting carried away again!” a Vegeta wearing his Cell Games armor says, kicking the Golden Cell he was fighting before away as he powers down out of his blue form, flying over towards the edge of the crater. “Fine, I'll clean up your mess.”
You see Chilli look from his father's glow to this Vegeta, then back to the woman and blue man, who're both looking towards the crater as well.
“Well well, looks like he's really back.” Mechikabura says, the color leaving the woman's face in what could be fear.
“No, it can't be.” she mutters, distracted. And in that moment Chilli attacks, pointing his scythe towards her while still holding that menacing tome.
“Death Magic: Dust to Dust!” he roars, you watching as not only does the woman start turning to dust much like her attack, starting at her left hand, but also her halo behind her begins to do so as well. But she's quick on the uptake, not letting herself be erased that easily.
“Chronostasis!” she shouts, that same rainbow-hued energy shielding her body. Which immediately quite disintegrating, the woman turning her full attention to him. And unlike before, this time the old blue man is busy watching Chilli's father, a wicked grin on his face. “Attacking the Supreme Kai of Time directly, you must have a death wish.”
“Taking you down is my job. Your time is long over.” Chilli retorts, you seeing a momentary flash of surprise on her face at his words. Which is quickly replaced with anger, an entire energy clock appearing behind her.
“My time? No, time is MINE, child!” she responds, pointing both hands down at him. Only for the blue-skinned old man to finally act, pointing his staff at her and speaking in a guttural, hissing language that makes you want to run away from him at full speed. To which the pink woman reacts, blurring as she seemingly keeps spells going against both attackers simultaneously. Looking at her makes your eyes and brain hurt, so you turn your head. Only to see Chilli's father throwing a spear of energy at Vegeta, both men looking beaten and battered bloody.
“HAKAI!” Vegeta declares, orb of deep purple energy appearing from his hand that sets every instinct in you on fire. Whatever Vegeta's doing, its different than all the energy blasts exploding all over the place. This is something else, something far darker and more dangerous. But Karn isn't deterred, launching his massive energy spear directly for it. You watch as the attacks collide, then to your surprise watch as the spear immediately starts shrinking within his orb. Vegeta's attack seemingly shreds and absorbs most of the spear's energy, but not all of it as the spear's remains pierce through, stabbing into him from wrist out the back of his right shoulder. “WHAT?! I-Impossi-!!”
<span class="mu-s">KABOOM</span>