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Even from this distance at the end of the hall you can tell that the Black Knight’s armour is one of exquisite craftsmanship, every edge and curve of every pauldron and vambrace lovingly worked and gilded with dark perfection in mind. But it is not the sight of the famous, or infamous, Black Knight that causes you to exhale sharply. The armour of his four companions may also be black, each an identical make to that of the other on each flanking side, but you have seen that make of armour before. The colour of the armour worn by these four may be different, but you would not easily forget the wearer of their blood red twin. The Paladin Sanguine.
Unlike the others of the Command Talon, the four flanking knights do not remove their helms. It comes as some relief when their charge does, the face of the Black Knight carrying with it that young, pale handsomeness that speaks to good breeding.
<span class="mu-i">“Be seated.”</span> The Black Knight’s voice carries across with the force of a royal proclamation, even though to all the young man appeared to merely speak softly.
That seems to be the signal for dinner to be served, with a plethora of dishes brought out with the precision and determination of a battle column marching into enemy terrain. Perhaps the food is prepared by slaves in the kitchens, but Cantonian sensibility declines those in chains waiting on the nobility of the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead, this role falls to the squires and other servants that form the auxiliary and elements of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, Mikail among them. Your squire places before you the first servings, one that is almost trying too hard to mimic the meals back home. A plate of smoked salmon with cameline, a bowl of little cabbages and powder douce.
Your thoughts are a very long way away from the food in front of you.
> Sit. Wait. Watch and observe. The connection between the makes of those armours cannot be written off, but now is not the time to press for that information. Not until you get settled into this new role. You watch the Black Knight and the inner four very closely. [Divine]
> You have questions. Questions that cannot wait until your induction. You should enquire with those comrades most predisposed to you as to the identity and nature of the Black Knight’s inner guard. You ask your newfound comrades some probing questions. [Hearty]
> The mystery of those four inner guard can wait. For now you need to review what you know of the officers present in the 11th Command Talon that you -do- recognise. You watch those others who surround the Black Knight very closely. [Idealist]