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The day begins as always with the call to prayer in the pure language of the Blessed and glorious Sol stretching his splendour over the sands of the Eftal desert. The shades, ochres and neons of dawnlight spread and embrace the worshippers bent and bowing in worship.
The Toksol leading the prayer is in fine form, his voice washing over the masses softly repeating the hallowed morning blessings to themselves and for all who do not Hear.
With a last reverent prostration, you rest your head on the prayer carpet and pause to reflect on how busy the day is going to be. For all the Sem tribes have gathered to take part in a scramble to the Depths that recently appeared. What could the Depths be but a miraculous demonstration of the powers of the Gods themselves? What was once a vista of sand, now transformed utterly and suddenly in one twist of time to reveal the Depths. Like a gaping wound, a black ravine now splits the desert in half like a ripe fruit to reveal two sheer walls plummeting deep into the earth.
Mortal eyes find it an impossible task to see the bottom of this supernatural abyss. Yet if you look closely to the nearest parts of this supernatural gorge, it is possible to make out mysterious fissures and caves. Possible entrances to a zindan harboring riches beyond dreams or merely the opening of someone's doom.
How long would this treasure house ravine remain on the mortal plane? Only the eternal Gods know. Be it a mere twist of time or the entire wheel of a year, you will remain here with your Sem to grasp whatever is found.
Great fortunes are to be made, but they are paired with great dangers. For the Depths do not yield their riches tamely to any who stretch out their hands. Monsters, rival Sem, unfortunate accidents or an empty zindan are just a few of the misfortunes, but that is all according to the will of the beneficent Gods.
To add to this, another misfortune reveals its face as the Toksol calls out while the final murmurs of prayer die out.
"Let it be known amongst you. A voice was heard from the Depths and the tarn stones are favorable. We may have a Visitor. If found, report immediately. Exclusion will be strictly enforced, there are no exceptions!"
Conversations erupt at this piece of news amongst all the Sems present. Fellow members of your Kushan Sem begin debating the likely chances of accidentally running into the Visitor.
"A poor mortal, swept up by wild Ruah's wind and made to come to our humble land. Perhaps, never to be found at all," your elder sister Minah makes a sign to ward off ill luck.