>>5414042The Dissidia overworld type map, I played about 40-50% of this? Never completed it but I could see it was a very complex and well-designed game. I am not too knowledgeable about Final Fantasy and all the characters, no idea what I was doing with all the moves lol.
I liked the Dissidia rollercoaster fast travel hovering magic levitation lines during the combat stages, I do not think I have seen any other fighting game that has that mechanic (it reminded me a bit of jump-pads in quake 3 / unreal tournament!)
The idea is that you have some sort of overworld map with real-time players, they try and loot some armour and weapons and power ups (maybe they could even loot their advanced moveset, unlock combos as skills scrolls or something?)
When they encounter another player it can be either dark souls type gank combat lol directly or it can switch to a 2.5d Soul Calibur stage, with debuffs or buffs for various overworld map tactical positioning advantages etc. And of course you have the battle royale blue ring of death constricting the zones of traversal over time etc.
The reason also why I am thinking about all this is I am slightly obsessed with transposing some multiplayer videogame mechanics like battle royale and other gameloops into ttrpgs. It may just be too much effort because at the table you can improvise and hand draw maps or just use words in real-time lol, whereas preparing overworld maps pictures and text for every contingent decision and player development might be too strenuous here.