klaxons ring out across the entire facility as you jolt upright from your usual nap! Rubbing the sleep from your tired eyes, you’re treated to a pulsing red light show in the command center… and not much else! The monitors, the feeds… everything has gone dark!
What HAPPENED, you shout as your subordinates frantically tap away at their unresponsive terminals!
“We’re working on that!” Your First Officer responds as they pace from terminal to terminal! “Status Report!”
“The system’s <span class="mu-i">shot</span>, commander!” Barks your Head Engineer! “Fried up like an egg on a crisp Saturday Morning!”
Damn, you hiss, you need options! Now!
“The facility is overloaded with energy…” Purrs your Science Officer, “If only there was a way to balance it safely…”
Wait a minute, you announce, you’ll just <span class="mu-i">REVERSE</span> it!
“I dunno, Commander…” Groans the Engineers as they mournfully glance at their terminal, “Doing that could be risky… it might even cause an explosion-”
Risky, you smirk as you lean forward in your chair, that’s your <span class="mu-i">favorite</span> kind of plan!
“Commander, are you sure?” Your First Officer asks with growing concern on their face! “We could face a complete and utter shutdown! Or WORSE!”
We’re already teetering on that edge, you counter, and you don’t plan on falling off! Dramatically jabbing your finger forward, you give the Science Officer a nod! Make it happen!
A wry grin forms on the Science Officer’s face. “Bold move, Commander… and you know how much I enjoy <span class="mu-i">BOLD</span>...”
Gliding their hands over the terminal, The Science Officer sends a wink your way as the monitors slowly groan to life again! Seeing his light up, your Head Engineer pumps their fist with a triumphant laugh!
“We’ve got a pulse!” They roar as your First Officer wipes the sweat off of their brow, “SHE LIVES, COMMANDER!”
“This is it, Commander!” Announces The Science Officer as the Main Feed crackles back to life with an image of a raven-haired girl getting <span class="mu-i">very</span> friendly with your facility, “Redirect the energy now!”
<span class="mu-s">All Stations: Send it back her way! </span>
With a dramatic sweep of your arm across the command center, your officers spring into action as their terminals are set ablaze with activity!
“<span class="mu-i">Remember, son:</span>” Your father’s words echo inside your head, “<span class="mu-i">A man can only achieve if he’s willing to put everything he has on the line… no half measures!</span>”
You adjust your <span class="mu-s">COMMANDER’S HAT</span> as the room lights up with renewed energy! No half measures, you repeat in a hushed tone… all in or bust…