>>6170222>>6171629[I'm placing your final action within the roll context of the original post Id]
You leave from the Merchant's entrance, and standing in the parkinglot, choose to head Eastbound into the aforementioned sniper fire. Even on the side of the Merchant's building, someone had scrawled
>Gunshots pasT this Cornor StopNot that it was the most helpful of signs. It could use some rewriting, but it was there.
And so you strolled into the dark and into the open walking towards the office building with the light on. You made it (7) moves away from the Merchant's safe zone when the first bullet cracked the pavement by your feet.
[If my 5th+4th <=10, the bullet did not injure you. If more, it clipped your leg causing you to bleed, with a stacking -1 calamity per turn debuff until the bleeding is stopped.]
You duck behind a husk of a car, but it has already been picked over (0). It has also served others as a means of cover from sniper fire, as the pannels opposite and the hood have been potmarked by gunfire. In the dark, and from your side, you can't flourecent marker pain splashed over the car. The last few people to get shot didn't see it either.
[If my 4th+3rd <=10, there is a corpse with loot items equivelent to those digits, i.e. 3+4=7 would give 3=clothing and 4=food. If more the corpse is wearing rags]
You decide, since you're laying there to hunt around for animals. Or would it be more fair to say that the animals are hunting for you? Well, who can know the ways of scavenger animals? (2) fat ones gnawing at the leg and senew of the corpse.
[If my 3rd+2nd <=10 the scavengers are rats, and you can carry them by the neck until they come to fear and obey you. If more they are vultures, which scatter and fly away, alerting the shooter that you are still alive, and giving -1 calamity while outside.]
You look in the vacinity.
>To the west is an open space without cover, leading 7 moves back to the Merchant's safe afrea. >To the south is the unscalable freeway wall. >To the the east is the office where the sniper is shooting at you.>To the north, you see a large mall entrance where you can get out of the open. You think you can make it to the mall. And so, collecting yourself and whatever you found you make a dash to the entrance (2).
[If my 2nd+1st <=10, you do so without drawing anymore gunfire. If more the shooter will track you with Suppressive Fire for the next 10 turns. Suppressive fire gives a -1 to general success, only applicable when near a window or skylight.]
You have 4 actions.
>focus (+1 success for a turn)>self guard (+1 calamity for a turn)>enter building (can be repeatedly attempted)>search building (gives total number of rooms)>search rooms (gives total number of searchable objects)>loot objects>attract ghouls (will include a bandit)>return to the Merchant through the open (-1 success, -2 calamity and requires 7 moves. NOT recommended)>your idea[5th-2nd] 1-5p, 6-0f
[Calamity] 1-4p, 5-0f
[Map on request]