>>5203742>>5203745>>5203751>>5203753>>5203780>>5203796>Let it be and continue to the exit. You’d rather not bind her to something unfortunate.“..No, no. You’re right.” You shake the thought from your mind–as curious as you might be, you’d just agreed to help loose her of such repugnance; to go back on that and insist it upon her would be unforgivable. “My apologies. Let us hurry on, then. I’m rather sick of this place.”
“..Yes, of course, Von Gundyr, sir. I have no outright objections to organ grafts necessarily, b-but..” The doll bows her head low. “..Th-thank you.”
Your journey continues in quiet–the safe route, as expected, [i:lit]is[/i:lit] safe, and you meet no more strange wailing prisoners or horrible skybound nudist monsters. You watch the steps ease along into a low ledge along the abyss–while the chasm still stretches out into infinity below, a small doorway is set into the wall along this random feature. The dhampir releases a long sigh of relief.
“Ahh.. truly! How amazing..!” Ava smiles, looking down at her pocket watch. “I foolishly thought our journey would take perhaps 15, 16 hours.. but it's taken us nearly 25 of constant effort! We’ve defied expectations!”
“Are you done?” You sigh; you cast your gaze out back to the ledge, where the maw of the pit that gapes and extends far beneath.“But.. is this truly the end? We have still not seen the bottom of the chasm. In fact, the steps go even lower from here..”
“Ah, you needn’t worry about the bottom. It’s empty, laden only with endless fallen bodies and monsters–no, the next block is at a random point halfway down. Cruel, right?” She laughs darkly. “But.. we’ve been in such constant pace that even I’ve begun to tire. We had better rest at the shrine ahead, perhaps eat. The block ahead is.. rough.”
With that, the dhampir struts into the shrine ahead with the flourish of your cape. As you make to follow her, you feel a sudden tug at your sleeve.
“Uhm.. Von Gundyr, sir,” The handmaiden keeps her eyes low. You raise a brow. “I.. was actually looking to ask for your help in something. A request, if you might consider it.. I’m afraid you might find it a bit strange though.”
“..Yes?” You raise a brow. “If you’d like my organs, I’m afraid that–”
“It’s hair.” She lowers her head. “..I’d like hair. Lots of it.”
>Ask for her to expand on that.>Continue on through the shrine. You’re too exhausted for this. You’ll deal with it tomorrow.>Ask if she means yours. You’re rather fond of it.>Say that if she holds the dhampir down, you’ll get the scissors.>Write-In.