>>5879655I will say. Though you know I am from far you seem to have not known my pytherian was not fluent. Half of what you said seems to have been lost on me?
You lost me after courage. But thank you for commending me despite it not being an act of courage? We've long since passed such times as that. Courage is an everyday occurrence no on can feed themselves without it.
Thank you for complimenting my white scarf I do say it keeps me warm at all times even better then your sun. It is quite aesthetic! Covers the face quite well in these chilly times.
No. no. Its not mask it's pronounced K-ra-sh-sun-dah or kræʃ ˈθʌndə. That's the name. Its distinct. Has flair. Its an event where in a storm the sound of thunder...Never mind translating is a bit of a pain and you wouldn't understand the subtleties and intricacies between it an the kata. If at least you were Reikan.
Though I have to admit most of your masks are in very bad taste. Especially those with Moths on it... Brings a very bad memories about those Uthans. Tsk Tsk.
Ah yes, it's true you guys are quite the thugs. Running around consuming nefarious substances. Practicing larceny. Bending the law to your will. Paying off wanton corruption. There is something admirable about how the law simply turns a blind eye after you've burnt half the neighborhood or jobs of honest people on alleged accident.
A mask binds you to knifing anything? Is that a saying? Never heard of it. It almost sounds deep. Inspiring!
Oh I see you've heard tale of master Tinaang! You know I've met him before. Many call him a it now but he isn't a bore to talk to and is quite well read. He moves that poison stinger like a 3 arm! I think he passed by one of the moth circuits some time back. Too bad he lost. Heard the shedding of skin was really long for that one but I know he'd guard my back pretty well in any fight we are on the same side of. He's loyal like that. Even shed his human skin for the homeland to fight against the idiot invaders.
Yes you are quite funny.
Your skin looks quite soft. Your bed must not find many lice's at night. A good thing!
Thanks for the compliment! Although I'm not a Roofrunner. I have a friend who is. Taught me a bit. You could stand to learn a thing or two about having fleet feet even if you guys will always be quite far behind us. A sad truth.
Your business is always welcomed in Rikovol. Your gold in our coffers and your bids for our offers!
Anyway I really have to get going. You should be careful about your mask. Treat it with more respect since it protects your true face under there?
>Take a second Bonk-Ken>I'm not wielding 2 Bonk-Kens at once. One is holstered and is a back up in case the 1st one breaks. Rikovol hardwood is not easy the find 'round here and Pytherian Oak is more brittle then expected. Must be the economy.