Quoted By:
Oh, of all the things a deity could have been born to embody, how come "Media" became one of them? Media, a handle used merely to describe everything from books, to television, to other electronic entertainment. From fiction to reality, stories inspired by tales, or recounting what has happened and passed. In the past, and in the future. From merely making children giggle with shadow puppets on a wall from a fire, to producing a grand theatrical movement. Even animals seek to entertain themselves somehow.
But it made sense to me the more I thought about it. Media is something we perceive. It's not just merely entertainment, but a way of information constantly flowing in a tidal current. Television is a powerful tool, one that can be used to convey themes and messages in many forms. The Trinity was particularly keen on its usage, televising their acts openly. I saw as much myself, when Thandir broadcast himself executing thousands of children across the world with a mere tap of his stave to make a point.
People in the Trinity will watch this kind of thing on television. To them, it becomes okay. Why? Well, because, it's on TV. When they were born, they were probably raised into watching things like that on television, all their lives. So, if it's on television, it must be okay. After all, you get to watch it all the time, right?
Well, I won't stand for it. If they can be beaten out in the open, they can be beaten on the screen as well. I just have to convince Yasukuni, the God who governs Media in the Heavenly Capital to defect.
Likely easier said than done. So I brought everyone with me.
By myself, I'd convince nobody. But all together, we're living proof.