Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d31)
>>6039451>>6039491>>6040164>>6039465>>6040270Unfortunately for Tips and Diesel, it seems no amount of Elementalist artillery and aethereal hopping-about could outdo the Hogwartsian wizardry of one ‘Lord’ Hallaster! The Raiders of Lost realms beat the Seekers of the Esoteric, as the steely determination of Diesel crashes against the certain steel and lightning-fast mind of the war machine!
>Beta (Core of Steel)and
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)win, and by a margin of 12-to-5! They probably even have time to build a snowman. Congrats! With this victory Beta takes the lead in the tournament as a whole, while Elliot jokes the ranks of those trailing JUST behind him!
Now, onto the Twenty-Third Round, to see who might match or surpass them!