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You hail from a minor noble house in-
>The North: A vast, cold expanse, it's home to the hardy Northerners and dominated by the Stark family at Winterfell.
>The Riverlands: A fertile land of many rivers and the seat of House Tully, it’s a region often caught between conflicts.
>The Vale: A mountainous region protected by the impassable Bloody Gate, overseen by House Arryn from the Eyrie.
>The Westerlands: Wealthy due to its gold mines, it's ruled by the ambitious Lannisters from Casterly Rock.
>The Stormlands: A coastal area prone to storms and fierce weather, it's the domain of House Baratheon and the Stormlords.
>The Reach: A lush and fertile region known for agriculture, it's led by House Tyrell from Highgarden.
>Dorne: A hot desert land with a unique culture and history, ruled by House Martell from Sunspear.
>The Crownlands: Surrounding the capital, King's Landing, it's directly controlled by the ruling monarch.
>The Iron Islands: A group of rocky islands off the western coast, home to the ironborn and ruled by House Greyjoy.