Quoted By:
>EMP GRENADE+ (Targets multiple enemies. Severely weakens or damages any electronic or implant not owned by you or an ally on use. When used against a mechanical enemy or anomaly, you roll an extra 4d8 when attacking them and you deal extra MIXED damage to them.)
>FREEZING LIGHT GRENADE (A makeshift grenade with a potent, freezing light bubbling inside it. Enemies who fail a DC 25 FLESH check against it are immediately frozen and stunned for three rounds while all other enemies permanently lose 4 dice. Adds +6d6 to your next attack as well.)
>6 IMPROVED FURLINE UNIFORMS And 2 IMPROVED WINTER OUTFITS (Reduces all FLESH damage taken from extreme cold by 2 and from intense heat by 1 [can reduce to 0]. Has a small chance to negate 1 FLESH damage from other sources. Can be worn over most armors.)
>7 EXPLOSIVE SHOTGUN SHELLS, 4 ARMOR PIERCING PISTOL AMMO, 6 HEAVY REVOLVER ROUNDS (Built for KILL someone STONE DEAD. Attacks made with this ammo will always inflict CRIPPLING INJURIES and will deal 2 extra FLESH damage to targets. Has a rare chance to stun.)
Nice. After pocketing all of it, you exit the store. You'll do a quick sweep of any other shops you can find before going back home. As you do so, you do notice that the streets are full of people again. It's as if they were always here instead of being gone for god knows how long. Interesting.
Time to do some quick rounds.
The first place you walk past on your way back home is a small, quaint coffee shop. The dark brown paint slathered all over the building makes it stand out like a sore thumb when everything around you is drenched in white or grey. A bright, cozy light pours out of its windows, almost tempting you to go inside right now.
The inside of the building from what you can see only has three people in it. A young student with black hair, an older man with a goatee, and a young girl with orange hair. The three of them seem to be working to set up the cafe, which only has a few old seats scattered around.
You faintly remember getting a coupon from this place. Maybe you can visit it later.
>CALORE NERO found! You may visit here to get temporary stat boosts or boons/abilities. You may also bring an ally here to boost their RAPPORT.
The second place you come across is, well, to put it politely? You don't want anything to do with this place. There's an unmarked building in front of you that's been painted to blend in exactly with the rest of the buildings. If you didn't know any better, you'd assume it was just abandoned or under construction.
But with the boarded up windows and the odd tattoo'd standing outside, you can tell there's something more to it. And the odd noises that sound like...someone hitting a pile of meat with a hammer.
The tattoo'd man narrows his eyes at you, as if he recognizes something about you.