Quoted By:
Abacus, 20 gp, 2 lb.
Acid (vial), 250 gp, 1 lb.
Alchemist's fire (flask), 500 gp, 1 lb.
Arrows (20), 10 gp, 1 lb.
Blowgun needles (50), 10 gp, 1 lb.
Crossbow bolts (20), 10 gp, 1½ lb.
Sling bullets (20), 4 cp, 1½ lb.
Antitoxin (vial), 500 gp, —
Crystal, 100 gp, 1 lb.
Orb, 200 gp, 3 lb.
Rod, 100 gp, 2 lb.
Staff, 50 gp, 4 lb.
Wand, 100 gp, 1 lb.
Backpack, 20 gp, 5 lb.
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000), 10 gp, 2 lb.
Barrel, 20 gp, 70 lb.
Basket, 4 sp, 2 lb.
Bedroll, 10 gp, 7 lb.
Bell, 10 gp, —
Blanket, 5 sp, 3 lb.
Block and tackle, 10 gp, 5 lb.
Book, 250 gp, 5 lb.
Bottle, glass, 20 gp, 2 lb.
Bucket, 5 cp, 2 lb.
Caltrops (bag of 20), 10 gp, 2 lb.
Candle, 1 cp, —
Case, crossbow bolt, 10 gp, 1 lb.
Case, map or scroll, 10 gp, 1 lb.
Chain (10 feet), 50 gp, 10 lb.
Chalk (1 piece), 1 cp, —
Chest, 50 gp, 25 lb.
Clothes, common, 5 sp, 3 lb.
Clothes, costume, 50 gp, 4 lb.
Clothes, fine, 150 gp, 6 lb.
Clothes, traveler's, 20 gp, 4 lb.
Component pouch, 250 gp, 2 lb.
Crowbar, 20 gp, 5 lb.
Sprig of mistletoe, 10 gp, —
Totem, 10 gp, —
Wooden staff, 50 gp, 4 lb.
Yew wand, 100 gp, 1 lb.
Fishing tackle, 10 gp, 4 lb.
Flask or tankard, 2 cp, 1 lb.
Grappling hook, 20 gp, 4 lb.
Hammer, 10 gp, 3 lb.
Hammer, sledge, 20 gp, 10 lb.
Healer's Kit, 50 gp, 3 lb.
Amulet, 50 gp, 1 lb.
Emblem, 50 gp, —