>>5966555I think we should build her a high performance combat frame at some point. Yes, I know that her current body is state of the art (and that she just suggested we make her some disposable frames) but stay with me here. Her current body, while extremely lethal, was designed with general utility in mind. It CAN be used to great effect in combat, but it's not purpose built for it. To that end, I suggest we make her one that is.
I'm talking something that completely forgoes the non-combat considerations of her current frame and instead focuses entirely on being rugged, deadly, and fucking terrifying. I think our Power Armor designs are a good place to start. The first thing we'd need to do is nix all the features that revolve around keeping the meat inside of it alive (obviously). Then you carve away the other non-essentials, ridiculously over-engineer whatever's left, and start cramming in all the weapons, armor, and sensors you can think of. Just imagine it. It'd be glorious.