>>5523888>>5523928"The halls are nice!" you remark as Dewey leads you inside the building. "Somehow, I thought the ceilings would be higher. Some of the people outside looked they could leap the building if they did a running jump."
"Really? None of the students have ever tried it. Oh, I hope they don't try doing that...do you think they would try that, it seems so...foolish?"
"Well, maybe. I don't know. I just got here. How would I know more than you? You've been here your entire life!"
"Because you are a teenager."
"Yeah, but I'm not like most teenagers. I bet I stand out even in this school. I grew up on an island. How many do you have like that?"
"Hm...well currently, not many..."
"...Wait! You actually have some kids that grew up on islands. Like, with no one but themselves and their family?"
"We had a few more last year, but they were seniors and graduated. There's this one girl named Amy. Her experience was similar to yours."
"Oh cool! I hope I can talk to her later."
"You'll probably be able to. You'll probably be able to talk to quite a large number of the students later given how accelerated your curriculum is."
"Well, I can't promise my grades will be good, but I think I'm going to have a blast."
The ceiling suddenly rises as an enormous battleship with legs rushes.
Yeah. Battleship with legs. You aren't trying to be vague, that just seems to be the best way to describe him. He even has smokestacks and one of those antennae things. He's a battleship with legs.
"Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!"
Oh wait, it's a girl battleship with legs! You couldn't really tell that until she talked.
"That's Lilly Siegel." Dewey says. "Supername Dreadnought."
"Does the ceiling rise like that often? It feels like the second floor just shot into space."
"Oh yes. One must make due with the space one has, that's what they tell everyone on the MS team. Fortunately, space has many dimensions, so the ceiling can rise here, but not outside or on another floor."
You look up and scratch your head. How does that work exactly?
"Don't worry. You'll learn all about it in interdimensional mathmatics."
Ah, darn. You never liked math. Especially when it gets to stuff you can't visualize in your head.