Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our program, I'm OP your host of the day.
Today we have three participants.
A round of applause for Salazar, Hildra and Cedalion respectively.
On today's show they will be answering some questions.
If they know the answer they get points and if they make a mistake they will lose them.
First question on the board:
>>5399061: So why'd they make Rakta so hot? Was that an accident or was that on purpose?Salazar: "They are clones of a biological daughter of Qothos, so I guess it's accidental that players find her attractive."
Wrong answer! -5 good boy points for you.
Salazar. "WHAT!!!"
Hildra: "Is it on purpose because... it's a propaganda tool?"
Wrong answer! -5 good boy points for you.
Cedalion: "..."
The correct answer is: It's on purpose because the players created it that way in a distortion game.
Next question.
>>5399079: What is southern Tyr kingdom doing right now?Hildra: "Political secession from control of the Empire"
Correct answer! 10 good boy points for you.
Salazar: "How do you know that?"
Hildra: "They are importing mercenaries, they pay poorly but it's easy work."
Next question.
>>5399120: Was it the southern or northern elves with the more human genes?>>5399150: Southern elves got HUMAN'D, the northern got spared.And the public takes the lead!
Correct answer! 10 good boy points for you.
Follow-up question.
>>5399120: Did the tyr get human genes, or did they remain mostly pure?Cedalion: "The Tyr have more noticeable hybridization changes but the genes are recessive."
Wrong answer! -5 good boy points for you.
Salazar: "Any hybridization was the product of rape, so they did not reach maturity.
The cases that were not due to rape were exterminated by the inquisition. There are no humans genes in the Tyr genome."
That is correct! 10 good boy points for you.
next question
>>5399180: Are 3 Chosen ones enough to kill the player?Cedalion: "No."
Hildra: "Definitely."
Salazar: "I don't know, I prefer not to depend on those things."
That answer is [WÌ2XæûÛ š yhô
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Next question.
>>5399197: Is Philgo a bro?Salazar: "He is a perfectionist, he created the elves and he was dissatisfied, so he created the Gheist.
But he hasn't abandoned us either, so it depends on his mental state of the day if he will be a bro or not."
Correct answer! 10 good boy points for you.
Well, this is all the time we have for today.
Stay tuned for more and have a wonderful day.