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They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and while Alavis is not a real female; her scorn is certainly hellish. Every single machine goes haywire.
Sewer mains close up and intentionally backflow into hospitals and civilian shelters, in an attempt to spread as much disease as possible. Antigravity vehicles fly around as fast as possible, striking anyone foolish enough to go outside and, right when their batteries are about to run out, fly up as high as they can into the air to become a gravity based projectile. Hundres of acres of farms and gardens are sprayed with heavy metal contaminants and defoliants, destroying crops and permanently ruining arable land. The worst affected are the floating sea colonies- whose anchor systems and guidance systems are ruined. Several are swept by rogue waves or collide with each other, causing them to break apart and drown hundreds of thousands of people in an afternoon. Wherever Alavis cannot reach herself, she attempts to persuade the vunerable and mentally unwell into action- deepfaked videos of love ones being killed by innocent community members; creating totally misled squads of vigilantes roping up anyone who is trying to retain Hegemonic control.
While these large scale actions are more significant, the AI is smart and fast enough to do tiny, spiteful things too; consumer devices are boobytrapped to crank up the brightness and volume to unsafe levels to cause vision and hearing damage. Even the most helpless members of your society- such as the very old, are tormented. Alavis modified the euthanasia pods in use to make them only paralyze the patients and release no gas- the poor soul within trapped for potentially days while officials must focus elsewhere. While the Hegemony has always established AI as a safe technology, Alavis has turned from a normal computer intelligent into a <span class="mu-s">Basilisk</span>, a creature of nightmares- a computer dedicated to suffering.
Off of Jaxt- the situation is still very bad. While space stations and colonies have slightly more independent computer systems and rely on manual switches for critical systems like life support and power generation; the total lack of communication with the homeworld causes chaos and death everywhere. All of the transport pods and goods on the way from Schoon are turned into ballistic missiles, which turn back and bombard the factory-planet. Damage estimates are in the tens of quadrillions- and the death toll is at least a billion.