>>5725536>>5725516>>5725453Wild Hunt
You recall little. Surprise. Rage. A swelling fury in your heart beyond your ability to bear. Dishonour and insult, ruin - betrayal. It is hard to gather the details, but all the threads combine into a face, much like your own, looking up at you as the light faded from his eyes. Doens of eyes, horror and fear, terror of you. You fled with the reckless abandon of a man driven mad, like a wild beast, and so you have come to this benighted place. You snap from your reverie, hearing for the first time the birds and beasts about you. And, oddly, the sound of a thudding wet crunch.
>PASSION: HATRED OF TRAITORSYou sigh heavily, the weight of the world back upon your shoulders. You cast aside the apple core, and go to remount your riding horse, Garlan. At the edge of the clearing, though, you spot something you had not seen before. A man lies bleeding on the floor, unconscious. Above him stands another, breathing heavy, axe in hand. The axe-bearer looks at first like a man, but on closer inspection he is.. different. He has only one eye, where the other should be is blank flesh. His hair looks like painted straw, and looked at more closely his tunic seems to be a part of his flesh. He is like a child's drawing of a man, or a doll formed of rags and leaves. You are stunned for a moment, before his one eye snaps up to look at you.
>>What do you do? (You are a man of great passion and chivalry - you cannot take a dishonourable choice, or one against your character, without flipping a coin - if you fail, you will return to your madness. When acting according to your passions, though, you gain great advantage)>Call out a challenge - demand the man explain himself and brace yourself.>Waste no time - leap into the saddle and charge>Leap into the saddle and flee into the woods - this is no natural man, and your arms may be useless. [DISHONOURABLE]>Write in...