Yet, amongst those experienced enough to know battle, to know enemies, there was a chill in the back of the neck that was impossible to explain the source of. Freya knew it as what any wastelander got a sense for eventually- when somebody had come who would kill you with incredible ease- the death-sense. Fiskersonn knew it as something else. The seas were strange, and if you went far enough into them, one would find the Maelstroms that crossed the world, where they blocked off exploration, where people vanished into without a trace, that descended and evaporated with equal lack of purpose or predictability. It was said that avoiding the Maelstroms, which could not be seen like true storms, gave people of the sea a sense for when something dangerous had come around that the normal senses could not quite perceive.
Lieutenant Wesker knew it too. The Old World’s faith, though they worshipped the Judge of All Things just like people of Vynmark and most of Vinstraga did, their idea of God was rather different. His mother had told him, her being much more familiar with those old beliefs than he, that the punishing wrath of the Judge was exuded by those who he had sent to do his duty- of judging the sinful in this world, to send them beyond. It might have been preposterous superstition, but he hadn’t another feeling to describe what he felt besides what he imagined that to be.
>There are ACES present on the field- marked with a gold star. They are better than their brethren, but beware them for more than that- they can have special equipment and skills, and usage of a Token of unknown capability besides its verse. Defeating one will lend you their token, which may be claimed by whomever in the battalion wishes to possess it- though it is perhaps most fair to grant it to they who won it through battle. T-16 Ace- Ivani “Krolik” Krasnyy- Broken Stone hath become Sand, and Sand weathers the Mighty Sea.
BM-5 Combat Car Ace- Alexey Rozov- Beware the beauteous Red Bloom, for thou reach out to touch it, and your daring is rewarded with blood.>Turn is Open- The enemy has not detected you yet if you are in cover, but may do so in the Spot Phase before Shooting. Kohlkopf is particularly hidden- though somebody must have thought to investigate his hiding place.Some of you aren't where you said you wished to go because you did not have movement points due to having to pivot or moving into rough terrain, though this probably hasn't messed with anybody too badly.
>>5464967Experience 4 is the same for all units.
You just don't know what it does yet, because it needs to have something happen.
If you want a hint, it's for something in your character's personal effects.