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Jet grabbed the closest tree and smashed his forehead into its trunk. The demon only mocked him as the act only hurt the Dynast himself.
"Go ahead. Give yourself a concussion. But the only way I'm leaving is if you bash your brains out Jet. Our lives are bound together forever. Look, I'm trying to help you but I can only do so if you let me."
"I fucking hate you."
"The feeling is mutual. But seeing as how we're stuck like this, it might be in our best interest to work things out?"
"Be my guest then."
Jet sighed. The horse tracks were at least still visible somewhat. There must not have been any heavy rain in the last five days to wash them away. They lead back in the direction of the estate. So that's where he headed. He started running again and made it all the way to the edge of the forest before he stopped. He felt like he could run all the way back to the manse but sprinting through several fields without stopping might look a bit odd, so he walked the rest of the way there. As he went however Markolab started annoying him again.
"Do. Do-doo-do-do. Do-doo-do-do. Badum-badum."
"Five minutes! Can you just shut up for FIVE! MINUTES?!"
"Sorry. All this... silence. It's nerve wracking. How can you live like this? Oh. Also, you might not want to shout like that, lest you want everyone to think you're a lunatic. I can hear your thoughts just fine."
Markolab tried to contain himself after that but he kept nervously humming to himself regardless. Jet sighed and just accepted that this is how it's going to be for a while now.
Thankfully as he got closer to civilization and passed several rice paddies he bumped into some of the Black Helms, the soldiers of the Realm riding on horseback as they patrolled the lands of the satrapy. As luck would have it they all received orders to look for him, so they wasted no time getting him on one of their horses and taking him back to House Catalas land. Once back, he was seated on a nearby bench and offered some water and dried meat to fill his belly with. While eating he saw his sister and fiancé rapidly approaching him. Kaya wore her jade armor and Ena had a buff-jacket on. It was clear they've been looking for him. Probably for five days straight now.
He put down his food and stood up to greet them but before he could say anything he received a painful slap on his right cheek. He knew he deserved that but it still hurt.
"Kaya I-"
His sister was filled to the brim with rage so much she was shaking. If he didn't know she was an Air aspect he'd think she was Fire with how steam seems to be escaping her nostrils as she huffs and puffs. Ena meanwhile appears shocked from Kayas sudden violent outburst but she's overall more calm and collected. In fact she appears to be waiting for his response so she could start piecing things together.