>>5573235This guy basically has the right idea on what was agreed on
>>5573304But if there are people that MUST insist on more poison delivery then we could give a few copper to the inn to give us specifically a whole(not mashed not sliced) boiled potato. The inn would probably think we are paying for some food and want to chew on a whole potato or something so should be cool with payment. Then we slice it into multiple chunks, hollow some out to make a basket shape and pour more poison. I said whole potato and several chunks to give lucas several attempts at basket carving. Remember that the eyes are slightly above human eye sized so we were banking on their size to be trivial to hide in ceiling corners and around even the thinnest of furniture while Sam Fishering the payload with invisible eyelets to scout. A small potato basket would make them slightly bigger but not by mutch. The ropes could be made with thyme or something( or any other greens used for food that could be used to make a very thin edible rope).
So if we agree on a bigger payload than just what will stick to the eyelets i propose pic related