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With Ajax and yourself present, it’s a swift enterprise to pull the galleys up onto the coarse sand of Lebinthos’ southern beach. Given the fact that this is unknown territory, you are pleased to see that Ajax and Menelaus take security of the camp seriously – they make an effort to post a series of sentries along the beachside, and ensure the combined galley crews arrange themselves properly for a speedy retreat to the galley if necessary. You note with approval that Ajax orders a substantial force of Salaminians to remain aboard the galley, and Menelaus, taking the hint, does the same. You note some flaws in camp’s arrangement in the sand- the crew are allowed to spread out too diffusely, in your opinion, and you would have preferred to send out a team of scouts across the entire island while there is fading light in the sky – but as you have not been asked to volunteer your judgment, you keep your silence.
The island itself is dry, sparse of vegetation, and the hillside is dotted with loose stones. True to the Salaminians' reporting, it is simply a boring place. There are no signs of recent habitation, or even signs that other sailing vessels have stopped for a night's rest here - not that you mind. After the heady days on Delos, it’s something of a relief to be on a backwater island – you feel more like yourself in the wilderness, without so many eyes on you.
The Salaminians and Spartans are quick to begin dinner preparations – a fine assortment of fresh Delian pork, wine, vegetables and more are being prepared, but it will be an hour or more before tonight’s rations are ready – time for you to engage with one of your crewmates, if you so choose?
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