>>5977092>>5977148>>5977344>>5977367You refuse to close your eyes. You will not die here, at the hands of some fucking Richard Nixon cosplayers. Not today. Everything is screaming, every cell in your body begging you to rest. Your abdomen feels like it's on fire, your upper chest feels like it's made of sandpaper rubbing on raw flesh.
Cell. Your cell. Your gun drops from your hand, and you reach - so slowly, so agonizingly slowly - for the cell phone. It felt like hours, but you have it in your hand. Bloody and slippery, it takes all you've got not to drop it.
You try wiping some of the blood off...
Your hand spasms, but you don't drop it.
It slips out of your hand. The tinny voice of the dispatcher is audible, but you can't make anything out over the ringing.
The edges of your vision start to go black...
Suddenly, the triumphant the roar of an AV engine cuts through the ringing in your ears... Armoured men you can percieve make out surround you. You hear shouting, alarms, maybe even a few gunshots... It all sounds so distant now.
You fall unconscious - finally - as you're hoisted into the AV, stimulants and chemical cocktails pump into you - not that you're aware. Your heart is restarted several times. It's a tough fight to keep you going.
Whether you ultimately flatline or not, you made it out of that street and left those bastards dead behind you. A phyrric victory, but a victory anyway.
[Quest complete.]
Thanks anons for playing. This was my first quest, and I hope it decent. Any constructive criticism or pointers are appreciated!