>>5231315>>5231340>>5231358You decided to advance carefully towards the house to try to spy on the black mass. You wondered what those witches were doing and began to watch, all your little company. You saw that the cave was effectively quite big, and the people inside were at fifty paces of you. Some kind of strange glowing mushrooms illuminated the thing and they were helped by a vast bonfire who lit the cave and heated a cauldron. The cauldron was huge, huge enough to boil a man alive, like those that were used in France to boil alive counterfeiters. Three huge old women seemed to be around it, they were throwing herbs in the cauldron and stirring it with a big spoon. The women seemed to be awfully fat and had deformed faces with crooked noses and their hands had long, crooked fingers with black and very long fingernails tnat looked like claws. Their skin was grey, or of a greyish green. The cave must be very big and have another entry or some place where the smoke of the fire could go out.
Around them there was maybe a bit more than twenty people, some normal indians, some saracens, some cagots and even some demons. They seemed to recite something and Father François did the sign of the cross. The priest told, in a shaking voice.
-They want to turn this man into a wolf...
You muttered.
But then you watched one of the people around the place, a young bald man, drinking at the cauldron and slowly transforming himself in a sickening spectacle. His face elongated and fur appeared on him, his clothes were torn and his legs became longer and transformed too into paws, and he became a giant wolf who walked on two legs. You did the sign of the cross and recited a pater noster while lady Sue told.
-Transforming werewolves at will... It is impossible, how did... And they are hags, more dangerous than witches... But we shall manage....
Yes, werewolves they were. Like in the legends, and the beast seemed terrifying. You then heard one of the witches say.
-And see, how this man is reborn, and he will be called "Furry" just like everyone of his brethren, drink my brothers, drink, and hunt ! And....
The werewolf growled and seemed to bark.
-And he smelled a thing ! Here !
She pointed in the direction of the door, you needed to act.
>Break the door and tell "Surrender Satanics" truly they shall be terrified of a knight in full mail. (Rulership roll)>Order your men to begin an ambush. (Combat roll)>Press the attack, tell Ancel to fire his bow and try to defend the cave entry while you have the high ground. (Combat roll)>They are too numerous, retreat ! >Other (write in)