[Jojolion it is. Also sorry for the double reply, forgot to remove it from the character appearance part. You can reply to both or either posts, if you care about the looks/background of the insipid Anon or just the action.]
>>6085972<span class="mu-s">FEAR</span>: <span class="mu-b">Freeze</span> +1
Panic cascades and crushes your will as you lean against the wall, hands pressing into the all-too-real roughness of the bricks.
There's no way you can outrun him, not with his Stand. Hell, even if he didn't have it yet, it wouldn't really improve the chances.
You try to breathe in and keep from expelling any bodily fluids besides sweat...
DIO is sizing you up, falcon still on his shoulder. He has neither said anything yet, nor whipped out his freaky hair tentacles to implant a mind-controlling flesh bud in your forehead.
You sense this may be your LAST MOMENT to:
>Put your fists up and guard yourself! At least put up a defensive stance and show you're not a damn wet sock. Besides, how would HE know YOU know all about him?>Fuck it! Jump to either side and dart to the nearest door or passage until he loses interest.>Continue silently trying not to vomit/piss self and stand as still as you can.>Be the first to speak! Introduce yourself, put your best foot forward with some intriguing meta knowledge, or otherwise put words together.>(Write-in).