Quoted By:
In minutes, you are seated in class for first period. This class is much larger; both the lecture hall, and the class size. There's at least a dozen students from each House represented here in this class, with a significantly large representation of Ravencocks.
You've already put some of this class's lessons to use in the real world. Today, it's a basic lesson on controlling flatulence around eavesdroppers, and gaslighting onlookers. Some students are having difficulty mastering the incantations being taught, letting rip poorly crafted Defenses Against The Dark Sharts. The smell in the room becomes unbearable, but for some reason, it's giving you an erection!
Myhernee once again notices. You begin moaning lightly and tilting your head back in your seat as you lose blood flow to your brain. You're finding it difficult to control your body... Can't fight off... The Dark... Shart!!!
Your pants nearly rip in flame and bodily chemical anguish!! In the midst of the lesson, too!! Did anyone hear?! Was Myhernee grossed out?
>Second check!
(DC: 10. Best of all rolls.)
Sleight Of Hand/Stealth (DEX): +2 to roll.
+1 to roll if you passed the first roll, via Professor Zneip.
>>>>>>>>Don't forget to roll 2d20!!
There is an uncomfortable moment of silence in the classroom...
(+450 XP per successful skill check! You're almost at Lvl. 7, Urist!)
After this exchange, Zneip takes the class on a field trip. There is an exercise in the Garden of Weeping Cocks, where you are able to mingle with another student in the class before the lesson:
(Choose only one.)
(All following characters are in this class, whether you choose to approach them or not.)
>Myhernee, your redheaded frumpy human Stagghornn friend who is rather adept at magic. She's your age.
>Donald Skreazly, your goofy Stagghornn Halfling homeboy. This nigga is tight, yo. He's got your back no matter what, you feel. He's 18, just one year younger than you.
>Darko Foymalf, a Blystertyt Drow you more or less consider your enemy. He's so popular and he always makes fun of you for being a Dwarf... He's three years older than you.
>Millie Murderface, a House Hussiepuss girl you happened to know in Kentucky, before you came out to Pigsnorts. It was surprising to find out she was a witch, just like you were a wizard. She is also three years older than you, in Darko's class. She's known for having an interest in recreationally flying brooms and playing Ditchquid, she's very athletic.
Optional: Choose a conversation topic with the chosen student.