>>6028456The spoiler comes in later.
Yes, that would do it.
>Whatever stunned silence might have fallen on the scene as the giant spider stopped moving is somewhat ruined by Shroomy using its various tendrils and spikes to rid its opponent of its human parasites. It pulls back, satisfied, and transmits through somewhat dumbfounded yet cheerful Parasitised that "The Spider is no longer hostile.">Action 2: Noticing the Herald and its Shard straying close, Shroomy emits contentment. Awfully nice of that overblown light-show to get so close to itself. In short order it transmits its need for a ride near the latest sighting of the Herald as it reattaches a slightly chewed-on third head onto its main body. A new aerial fleet is soon put together from various European military forces, with everyone more than happy to contribute, and hoping that throwing and especially resistant mushroom at the Herald might stop its advance towards their own territories, especially considering what just befell India, and the newfound American tendency for not-entirely-restricted high-yield nuclear warfare. Shroomy moves to E13, with the Herald and its shard. This time, he lands a little ways off, not wanting to have another fleet blown out from under him.>Action 3: Shroomy faces God, and feels nothing. Nothing but annoyance. A great deal of it to be sure, but mere annoyance. What does this thing think it is, floating on over and making a mess of things? Now, Shroomy has no real way to hurt it. No good attack plan that doesn't require energy. No energy. But what Shroomy has is knowledge. Shroomy is fairly certain from what reports have been broadcast on TV and through various confidential channels his friends in Argentina have access to that this Herald thing studied humans before it burned Beijing and trashed India. Meaning it understands human mentality and is sapient. It also means he knows human culture. Shroomy has no plan for this main body but to be an immovable object while others do the damage. Shroomy just needs to get the Herald to try and destroy it. It hopes that once it starts, it will keep going, allowing the others to encircle it and dogpile it. Shroomy just needs to get it to attack. Shroomy has one plan. And Shroomy has opposable thumbs. Shroomy raises its arms and fashions the tips into two five-fingered hands.>What follows may go down in history as one of the first conversations between two known sapient aliens and Kaijus humanity has witnessed.>
It's surprisingly hard to find a gif of that!
I don't think I get the spider's actions for this turn, and it'll probably be stunned anyway, not that we've ever had a defeated Kaiju spared thus far, no ? Anyway, Shroomy has a new friend! And is about to make another friend! For a certain definition of friend, anyway...