In the far south, the skinwolves get butchered by the vicious strelsy strike, while in the west, the Sarls, lead by a ancient, yet still golden haired Sarl greets Ivan with hails and promises of fealty. "Ivan!" He says, correctly persuming whomst he is speaking to. "Sarls are bloodied by our own strife and we flee the madness of the plaguebearers who struck down from the mountains. We have lost the pass of Tyr and Suderholm is being besieged after we have lost the battle outside its walls."
Yet what is of more interest is the welcome Huffud receives as she slinks into the beast-herds of the far north. The chaos-warped grazing plains find the oblivious she-cow quickly surrounded by herds of beasts, ranging from great warbeasts to small wretches, the critters moving in as liquid.
The she-cow stops her grazing, every instinct of hers warning her. Yet her concentration is broken by a violent eruption of dirt, a totem of clay and mud and stone arising, a warped head atop it, its eyes and mouth cavernous holes, too big for the barrel sized head.
"Beast!" It roars. "Who can the gods of chaos rely upon if not you! Heal for this season, take the beasts with you and then march south to Chamon Dharek, feast on those who cannot fight, command those who can, protect its priests with your life, for it is your duty!"
>Huffud gains 90 loot if she accepts the task. Loot can only be spent to acquire minotaurs (30 loot), mammoths (40 loot) and warbeasts of the north (44 loot)>>6140403Mulrog asked you a question in