Rolled 3, 2, 2, 1 - 2 = 6 (4d3 - 2)
>>5205481>>5205484>>Items can't heal BlindItems can heal HP and FP, but cannot heal the Blind status while in the cavern!
Troopa Jr. starts shoving an egg in your mouth.
"-Gwag Hey! What're you-!" you supple and let him jam the egg in your mouth. It tastes good.
With your freshly boosted FP, you blast your enemies with Bowser Breath!
The Swoopulas screech and flap their wings to put out the orange flames for a second, then perch back on the ceiling.
Unfortunately, the Hyper Clefts, made completely of rock, are immune to the fire-based attack!
Kammy Koopa has the remedy for that, an Earth Quake! "The Bald Cleft clan says hello!"
A massive tremor shakes the cavern, first flipping the Hyper Clefts on their backs, then bumping them all over the place, crushing them into pebbles with an incredible 5 unblockable damage!!
The tremor also smacks around the 3 Swoopulas for 5 damage per bat, causing them to drop from the ceiling. Paired with the Bowser Breath, was it enough to incapacitate all 5 enemies?