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The mountain looms over you. The group decides to recap everything they have learned so far, and make sure they are ready for what lay ahead. It seems this may be a turning point- the mountain will not be so kind to you as goblins and lesser trolls in pulling its punches...
In <span class="mu-s">Combat</span>, your class die is rolled and must <span class="mu-i">meet or exceed</span> the power of an enemy to defeat them. This may be influenced by certain statuses, such as <span class="mu-i">Armor</span> which makes them harder to defeat by that number, and <span class="mu-i">Sorcery</span>, which increases their power by that amount unless their magic is sealed. Certain enemies may <span class="mu-i">Charge</span>, which means that that enemy will deal damage to the party member who acts on that turn's number. So an enemy with a Charge of 3 will hit the <span class="mu-i">third person</span> to act. You can stop the Charge by defeating the enemy before it can charge, or by <span class="mu-i">Distracting</span> the enemy on that turn. If you decide to <span class="mu-i">Distract</span> that enemy, on <span class="mu-i">that post-turn only</span>, you can avoid taking the damage by making a <span class="mu-i">Hazard</span> roll- however a <span class="mu-i">Dumb</span> enemy can be distracted by a Magic roll- easier for Sages. There is <span class="mu-i">no reason</span> to distract an enemy for any reason unless they are acting on that turn.
If your <span class="mu-i">combat roll</span> is under half of the strongest enemy's power level (rounding down), then you will take an injury. This only matters for the number on the die, not the modifier.
A <span class="mu-s">Hazard</span> roll requires you to roll your class die and avoid rolling the highest possible number. Rogues get to roll an extra die- and only fail if all their dice max out. Some Hazard rolls may add a modifier to a roll, making it easier to fail.
A <span class="mu-s">Skill</span> roll requires you to roll your class die twice; with success being on a pair. Rogues get to roll an extra die and if any two match, it is considered a pair.
When doing <span class="mu-s">Magic</span>, you must roll your class die and roll underneath the <span class="mu-i">Chorus</span> of the spell. New name for difficulty Each <span class="mu-i">Seal</span> is a success required to succeed. If you roll over the Chorus, you become <span class="mu-i">Cursed</span>. If a Sage rolls a 1, the Chorus is increased for all future magic rolls weaving that spell. Finally, anyone can make a <span class="mu-i">Prayer</span>, which protects the next person beneath them from getting cursed, even on a failed roll. If they succeed, the Prayer will “chain” to the next person.
Finally, whenever any roll is called unless otherwise stated, a <span class="mu-s">Sage</span> may use their magic to increase a <span class="mu-i">single die</span> by one pip or +1. This cannot make the die exceed its maximum possible value.
<span class="mu-s">Dice Ladder & Sizes</span>
d4 – d6 – d8 – d10 – d12