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<span class="mu-s">Agents</span>, so far, so good. A couple of unusual things on the specs, but you're handing it nicely. Good de-escalation on that group of Steel Vipers in the left section. In smalle groups, they aren't so hard to handle. They need a subboss or liutenant to really rile them up.
I'm not picking up any tacnets, and I don't think they's have the tech for it even then. But don't think that makes it easy - it partially makes it almost more complication. They won't be able to filter, mark or HUD share for each other? Which is a <span class="mu-s">massive</span> boon to us. But as they coommunicate through a thousand private channels, media sites, direct messaging, small group chats, and so on, we don't have any centralized network we can shut down or ping. We can trawl through and disorganize individual cells of Steel Vipers - and get information and access to small parts of their network - but the whole thing is enormously snarled. It also means that even if we frighten off or talk down or make a deal with SOME of them, other parts of their gang might still roll in with different opinions. Their sub-leaders and Liuetenants are usually the ones calling the shots, but because of their flat structure and low tier hierarchy, sub-bosses might not even agree on things. Social movements and flat orgs are always like that. Though if you get a handle on one of their LTs, they'll probably take all their hangers on with them if they leave or call it for the night. That's the utility as well. It's not like they have some big boss in a seat somewhere telling them to stick it out. CraneCommandoes at least have their ops leader right in their ear and you have me!
Agent Dragon, I am so, so sorry. Here, let me, uh, spin you up an augment reality filter, we, uh, we don't need... that... on direct visual.
Agent Mammoth, that is ONE <span class="mu-s">car</span> wow. Alright, I'm sending you some scan-gear. Conveniently, Fold's multispectrum is still available. And a tacfilter as well and some... CC-Maids. IF - IF!! - we get a positive bio-trace in that container or the freezer, I want you to take care of it properly, alright?
Agent Monarch, Lead Agent Graphite, those cult recruiters are actual recruiters for an actual cult. Not here for Laez. They don't normally hang out in bars. Looks like they're running up quite a bill, buying a drink for anyone who will sit down and talk about their grand monarch bird for a while. Interesting. Well, hey, memetics too, in a sense. It's kinda nice to be able to externalize all the worlds ills to a creator-figure. I've flagged them and we'll keep a watch on them - let me run some checks.
Agent Thorn, that's... Exactly what it looks like. They broke into the performers room and now they're stealing Laez stuff. I can't imagine being so die hard into something it'd motivate you to do anything like that! Come on, people!!