>>6186549Action 2: Build Glitter Vapor refinery
>Portable portal too loud, nearly caused our forces to be crushed on breach. Glitter Vapor supplies stretched thin, Stige and Gronn Dal complaining that we take from their limited supply. Request some form of arbitration, downsizing of operations, or evolution. Your job. I will do mine and hold the fort.- Marshal Bjorn Sayyad report to Habitun council
>"Wh-yes, I suppose you could, in theory, extinguish a candle by over-burning another, but that is a niche, nigh-useless application when you could otherwise use your own fingers..."- Ignimancer Sigurd Shula
Excerpt from "Apprentice Ignimancy" class in Hulua college
>But then I considered whether it was not so useless. Air seems to move with the differences in temperatures, and in some tests, it seemed that when temperature was raised and air reduced, temperature reduced nearby.>... On attempting to amplify the effects to better study them, I requisitioned 2.3 orts of Glitter Vapor, as much as my budget allowed. When placed in two interconnected crystalline half-filled beakers, I increased the temperature of one whilst doing nothing to the other. Lo and behold... bubbles.>... As cleaning of the beakers became more and more intensive, I applied several layers of easily removable thin reed peels, so as to keep the worst of the mess within them...>... Even after I managed to get Robin to spit out half of the reeds, her mancy remained at superlative levels, her mental state anything but stable. It took three bricks to knock her out...>... Effects seemed to persist for a week, and that was on an approximate 1.1 ort of the refined result, not accounting for impurities and subpar dosage injection methods...- Ignimancer Sigurd Shula
Excerpts from "Intermediate Ignimancy" draft, submitted as report to Habitun council
>Budget to be ordained for the construction of a facility for the refinement of Glitter Vapor utilizing the Shulan method.>House Shula has granted indefinite leave for the utilization the Shulan method by the Habitun council, in exchange for a permanent five seats at minimum to be allocated to their sons and daughters in the Hulua college, as well as a sum of 10% of earnings from Shulan method efficiency increase in Glitter Vapor production.>Run-off from refinery shall be deposited into river, pending ecological impact report by Grimhild Hitab and Huntsmen corps.- Habitun Council decree