>>5905513>>5899192Ancient secrets of martial are rediscovered. Rapid movement and ancient recruitment methods shall aid the further martial arts development of the nation. Further the Sundering Cross is created a martial art developed in hopes of countering the corpse walkers. A cut which allows one to cut through stone and armor.
Military development among the mortals follows taking example of the corpse devourers a corpse of elite army is created clad in heavy stone armor giving up mobility for defense, they shall be the shield of the martial artists and a shield against them in the name of the Emperor were they ever to rebell.
The corpse collectors are… odd. Were they made by the Aak or against them? The very presence of an Aak seems to empower them, endo powering them. The first assault on the stone giants endfs with a whimper a few of them manage to be constrained dug holes, but noen destroyed and a few martial artists die crushed. Martial artists lack the power to destroy the endo absorbing mosntrocities, while they lack the speed to catch the martial artists, a stalemate.
Maybe one would need to employ foreign forces? A bigger problem though, they started going north, towards you. Just putting down trenches should be able to halt them.
>>5899549Slowly the dueling done by the vassals for the entertainment of their lords evolves into competition between them with pride on the line and during the latest tournament between the vampire lords the highest house swept up the competition. Their secret? Keep the good ones alive, blunt their swords. A genius idea he takes full credit for.
Slowly the line between warrior and jester is blurred as gladiators are introduced, full time arena fighters fighting for the entertainment of the campiric lords.
The state to your south exploited for decades finally collapses. Your nation made dependant on the gold flowing in and the tressures being robbed faces an economic crisis. The lower class is affected as catnip lot it’s value, the vampires are outright rioting as many of their luxuries have dried up.
harstone quickly finds use reinforcing the more important buildings of the nation and roads. What a useful material, if only we had more of it! What is that city in your south called again?