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Rolled 75 (1d100)
You choose to evolve a new organ for the humble Skittler Skipper, a layer of skin to keep water in and sand out.
To explain the mechanics of evolution, it is done in two phases. The consequence phase, where I explain how your latest evolution has fared and the shorter development phase, where I ask for rolls for your newest evolution. When you attempt to evolve a new trait or improve an already present evolution, you roll three 1d100.
>The first 1d100 is to determine the success of your evolution, higher is better, on a sliding scale:
a 1 is crippling, 2-9 is overwhelmingly negative, 10-19 is moderately negative, 20-60 is a partial development, 61-89 is moderately positive, and 90-99 is overwhelmingly positive, and 100 is game-changing.
The scale is tilted toward positive outcomes because failures usually fail to reproduce and this applies to your species as a whole.
If you attempt to evolve too much too quickly, this scale will temporarily shift toward the negative as the harsh sun punishes you for innovation.
>The second 1d100 is to determine your species’ genetic drift from radiation, again, higher is better, on a sliding scale:
1-20 is negligible, 21-40 is mild, 41-60 is an unplanned mutation, 61-80 is a new, offshoot competitor species, and 81-100 is an overall population decline.
If your species grows more resilient toward radiation or finds a method of preserving its genome, this scale will change, and high results aren’t always negative in certain contexts.
>The third, final 1d100 is to determine the success of your deadliest competitors in their own evolution.
Unlike your species, you want to roll low here, and the same scale is applied, though you won’t be aware of what their attempted evolution is until you see it in action.
In addition to the 1d100s you will be rolling, for every development phase, I will be rolling a 1d100 for the environment. This is a much narrower scale and higher is better for (You).
1 is a mass extinction event. 2-10 is a negative change that harms your species. 11-89 means no change. 90-99 is a positive change for the better; 1 is an extreme positive change that leaves your species in a highly advantageous position.
This will continue until your species has evolved to sapience or has fallen to extinction. As a predator, you will need to be cunning and ruthless to not only survive, but thrive.
Now… Let us begin. Give me three 1d100s. Last one is for Mawchain. Don't hog dice.