Quoted By:
"Grabgol. The scholars of the capital are going to be focused on normal dungeons, but the merchant lords would want something they can control right? Our goals align."
Katrina nods. "Very well. We'll need to be on guard for manipulation, as well as disturbances from the locals, but your logic is sound. I'll make the arrangements with our host, he's already offered to provide us transportation via carriage to our next destination."
"You taking me?" Muffin asks, leaning forward, lips pushed together into a tight line. "I can stab assholes for you, or run errands or something, just don't leave me with these assholes."
You nod. "If you want to. It's probably going to get dangerous at some point."
Muffin visibly relaxes. "Beats the fuck out of staying here."
Arrangements to leave Blue Ridge go quickly, you get the impression the locals are grateful, but would rather forget the entire messy business, at least as soon as the funerals finished. A stammering moneychanger gives you a good rate on the bag of jewelry and gemstones you recovered from the bandits, bringing you up to nearly ten gold on hand, half of it in silver. Travel supplies are gifted to you and you quickly find yourself seated in a carriage and traveling westward.
Katrina sits primly in her armor across from you, reading from a thin book. To your side Muffin fidgets in a set of plain but new clothing, seemingly uncomfortable out of her rags. You have several days of travel ahead of you.
> Talk about Magic and Muffin's fey heritage
> Talk about the Order of the Torch
> Talk about Grabgol society
> Talk about something else (write in)
> Talk about nothing (fast forward)