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I doubt anyone can really help me out here, but maybe writing out the issue will help me come to a solution in my head, so here goes.
I’m working on a space mercenary leader quest and want to have a system for company management in the same vein as something like MGS Peace Walker or V. Rather than fultoning everyone you beat left and right, since the protagonist isn’t an espionage guy, you gain units in one of four ways:
Spend funds to do an ad campaign for a week. End of each day roll for how many new units are recruited. End of week they’re all granted to you. But these will be E rank recruits and need experience.
Every so often you’ll catch wind of a famous former soldier hanging out somewhere looking for honest work. They want an advance payment that you can either pay up front or haggle down, and then you have to send a unit lead character to try to convince them which takes a small amount of days. It’s costly and takes time but these units are amazing. You can also eventually unlock the ability to embed spies in other merc gangs and poach high ranking talent from them.
Captured enemies can be convinced to join you, but add a chance of causing a defection at the end of the month if morale doesn’t stay high.
Eventually your PMC is so cool people will want to join you for free just to be part of the legend. These soldiers go into a separate queue and don’t add to the monthly staff payroll.
Problem I’m having is that I’m trying to think through the scenario where we get lucky enough that lots of A or S rank units are on staff, and ways to mitigate this without very obvious railroading or mission difficulty spikes. I don’t want to have it where soldier ranks never go up like in MGSPW or V, because then you’ll eventually just have to fire large chunks of staff and I need this to be more automated.
Any ideas?