>>5469325‘...So how much of that is plagiarized from things your weirdly hot therapist’s told you?’ she replies.
‘Please don’t refer to her as that, and like… 15% tops.’
Izzy rolls her eyes, but she does so endearingly. That finally looks like it’s convincing her. “Fine, fine, fiiiiine. I’ll admit, this WAS fun, and I… guess it’s not much a problem just taking a vacation day or two.” She looks to Tapion directly, scratching her cheek gently. “And it… was extra fun having someone to spend it with.”
Minotia grins like a Grinch about to steal Christmas as he elbows his big brother, and Tapion bashfully rubs the back of his neck at that. “It… was certainly fun.”
“Still kinda wish I got a chance to deck Neuros in the face or somethin’. He has beef with Tapion and I and-” She then hits a realization. “…Oh my god was he getting JEALOUS? Was that why he specifically showed up here?” She then holds her head in her hands. “I’ve got a creepy bugman stalker…”
“Yea, one Jaki threw into the Dead Zone like he was last week’s rubbish.” Sala points out. “Bam! Just like that.” she adds, motioning some kind of full body slam dunk.
Izzy laughs. “Hahaha, okay that is pretty funny.”
“Honestly I kinda figured something was up for a while.” Gohan comments. “But basically came to the same conclusion that Peppa did. I’d act if needed.”
That’s… actually pretty mature of him. You smile sweetly. “Thanks bro.”
“But that leaves one question unanswered.” your brother adds next.
In the most serious tone you’ve heard from him in a while, he asks you,
“What if L IS real?”And you materialize a pillow to throw at his dumb face.
Everyone gets a good laugh out of that, Pantea especially. This HAS been nice.
>DRAGON BALL TUFFLE QUEST KAI #48… Paused.>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I canAll right folks, that’s all for tonight. Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Thank you all for playing, stay safe, and see ya then!
Also, we will be wrapping up tomorrow, and if y’all have any other ideas on the prizes for points, feel free to throw ‘em in.