>>5441117Starting off with the first thread, Goblin Assassin
I actually didnt have that much planned out in regards to the setting at the start, hence why the names are a lot different.
I had the idea of Zeal and Cris before I actually had the idea of Silverport being serpent city
The serpents were based on Naga/Nak of Thai mythology, which led to Sablestream being primarily based on an alternate reality Thailand when western countries decide to colonize much earlier due to technological advancement.
This is why there’s a name difference between the original cast and the newer ones
Pine Zeal Cris Pike
Fha Sira Song Nhon Khao
(Bow is an outlier)
On the 2nd thread…
As for Galepeak, It’s based on Burma (myanmar)
There was a war between the two countries that ended in 1592 and after that, there wasn’t a war between them for about 200 ish years.
I decide to push that war back further into the late 1400s so that it would explain why there’s a lot more focus on diplomacy with foreign (western) countries and why certain methods like flooding Galepeak with drugs in order to keep them from having the western powers’ support would be understandable.
At the end of the day, both countries are no match for the more technologically advanced outsiders which mirrored reality
The anomaly is based on Preta, a ghost that is extremely tall and hungry but has an extremely small mouth.
As for the descend into hell, that was also based on two of the punishments in Buddhism
The forest of thorny trees where naked people are forced to climb it is punishment for people who have affairs
The pots of boiling water that singes people is punishment for selfish people