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Body Horror Quest, Intermission Vein

ID:dg4U1LHV No.5125916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is Shu…or it would be, if this particular tale was hers to tell.

The world as anyone knew it is long gone, consumed from without by a ravenous being from beyond the stars. Humanity’s been reshaped into a vicious, feral thing by the Crucible, their bodies twisted into raging beasts of muscle and bone, voices and minds warped into tools of war. The Daughters—combatants elected by the Crucible to fight and devour their fellows to reach even the apex of hideous strength—are perhaps the lucky ones, granted the freedom of choice in a world where most humans, flora, and fauna have been melted down into a carpet of raw biomass that’s pulled taut across our world.

Like every other wretched soul in existence, you feel the pull—gnawing at your bones, pulling every fiber of your being towards the tether between a mutilated earth and an alien sky. You call it the Cord, and it’s said that reaching its summit will grant the Crucible’s victor the power to reshape all that is into all that will be.

A siren’s song, beckoning you to the end of all things…

…but you’ll fight it, in your own way.

In your own story, yet to be heard.

(This brief interlude will serve to act as a stop-gap between Veins 49 and 50, and will allow you to explore the perspectives of characters both in and out of your party. In addition, this may also serve to ease both author and audience back into the swing of things after a long break, and for everyone to catch back up.)


Previous Vein:


Character Abilities:

Trypophilic Hive, Ver. 3:

Relics, Ver. 7:

Dual Techs:

Character Profiles:

Quest Fan Works:
