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Knight(s) Quest Part 5

ID:hztLmfwe No.5154329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OH SHIT KNIGGA(s) it's an adventure about being knights n shit.

4 knights are sent on a glorious quest to bring home the holy grail! Which have been stolen and taken to the Tower City! Each Knight needs at least 1 player to be the voices in their head to tell them what to do n shit. Do that by just naming yourself something with the highlighted title under the knight to identify which team you're going with. Each knight needs at least 1 active player to Yeah.

Example: Scythe Knight herpaderp -> Controls Gustaf the Scythe Knight

On the trail to the Holy Grail, the Knights have confronted an opposing group of Rogue Knights that are also after the same thing! After scuffling near the Tower City River, one of the Rogue Knights, the massive Golem KNight, bursts through the nearby wall and holds off your advance!

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